Netter Real Estate Inc
Richard Bocchieri, Netter Real Estate IncPhone: (631) 848-0748
Email: [email protected]

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What Clients Are Saying

John & Pat Stevenson, “Thank you so much for the clock.  I had, in fact, thought about buying exactly the same one for Pat.  It’s carried in a catalog of gifts from Ireland that we get in the mail.  The house is great and we’re very happy.”


John & Pat Stevenson - Buyer

David & Anna Rothman “Thank you so much for the gift basket .  We received it Tuesday evening and have been slowly picking pieces off of it, delicious!  Anna and I want to thank you and your staff as well for making our home purchasing experience as smooth and easy as it was.  You guys are pros!  We’ll be sure to recommend you personally Rich if we hear anyone buying or selling.  Thank you again and enjoy the rest of your summer.” (August 18th 2016 via text message)


David & Anna Rothan - Buyer